Here is the blog post for the simple box level 5348C class. I do indeed have a simple cube, but i decided to put in a little more into this assignment than was required. With the words "be creative" in my heart, I chose to create some simple shapes in the likeness of DnD dice.
For the scaling. I actually like the idea of large dice littering the level, but just to show that I understand scaling and such, here is a second picture of the cube scaled down to its actual 19mm size on the right.
Here are the dice themselves; I decided to not make all the types on dice.

I wasn't required to texture the cubes for this assignment, but I ran them through substance painter for the practice. Without going to into detail about this, I tried out several different methods of texturing the dice. First one, I used the smudge tool and masking layers, the second was with different brushes, and finally the third with some repeating alphas. The third came out the best. The reason I only textured four of them was because I made an error in creating the D10. Instead of using the symmetry tool for what its meant for, I simply duplicated it, then negative scaled it into place. I had forgotten this causes the normals of the mesh to be screwed up. It wasn't worth it to me to go back and resolve it for this assignment, I am already going a bit over. Speaking if normals, or rather height map, I used a height map layer and alpha to stamp on the numbers.

For the materials in engine, plugging in the materials were easy enough. Since plugging the textures into the appropriate holes is easy, I went ahead and created another material within UE4.
Here is the final little environment.